Sally Isn’t Scared to Fight for Your Rights
Sex Offense Lawyer Sally Goodman
Some people think it’s unusual that a woman is one of the top sex offense lawyers in Dallas. Sally Goodman has used her attention to detail, commitment to people’s civil rights and decades of experience with sex crime cases to build her reputation as a Dallas sexual assault attorney that shapes a vigorous defense for every client. As a former felony prosecutor and board-certified criminal defense attorney, Sally Goodman has heard it all before.
“Call it old-fashioned, but I believe our constitutional freedoms matter. If they don’t apply to people accused of these deeply unpopular crimes, they don’t apply to any of us.” — Attorney Sally Goodman
Accusations often affect the reputation of the person charged, but at the end of the day, an accusation is just that. It doesn’t mean you are guilty. Many sexual accusations are manipulations of the system, a call for attention or aimed at getting the accused in trouble because of a disagreement. The attitudes of the public towards sex offenses intimidate some lawyers who consistently choose to push for plea bargains rather than going to trial. Sometimes this is the best course of action, but in many cases a trial may be in the accused best long-term interest. Sally Goodman does not simply give into scare tactics when it comes to defending those accused of sex crimes. She will explain your options thoroughly and if necessary, fight for you in state or federal court.
Sally Isn’t Scared to Fight for Your Rights
Sex Offense Lawyer Sally Goodman
Some people think it’s unusual that a woman is one of the top sex offense lawyers in Dallas. Sally Goodman has used her attention to detail, commitment to people’s civil rights and decades of experience with sex crime cases to build her reputation as a Dallas sexual assault attorney that shapes a vigorous defense for every client. As a former felony prosecutor and board-certified criminal defense attorney, Sally Goodman has heard it all before.
“Call it old-fashioned, but I believe our constitutional freedoms matter. If they don’t apply to people accused of these deeply unpopular crimes, they don’t apply to any of us.” — Attorney Sally Goodman
Accusations often affect the reputation of the person charged, but at the end of the day, an accusation is just that. It doesn’t mean you are guilty. Many sexual accusations are manipulations of the system, a call for attention or aimed at getting the accused in trouble because of a disagreement. The attitudes of the public towards sex offenses intimidate some lawyers who consistently choose to push for plea bargains rather than going to trial. Sometimes this is the best course of action, but in many cases a trial may be in the accused best long-term interest. Sally Goodman does not simply give into scare tactics when it comes to defending those accused of sex crimes. She will explain your options thoroughly and if necessary, fight for you in state or federal court.